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How many hours do cats sleep?


How many hours do cats sleep?

The number of hours of sleep cats

cats sleep on average 15 hours a day, and the period can extend up to 20 hours a day, as they sleep for long hours to conserve as much energy as possible; To make sure they are ready to hunt many prey, cats need to make a great effort in hunting while searching for food, and it is worth noting that the only animal that shares with cats a number of long hours of sleep is the opossum.

Stages of cat sleep

cats go through more than one stage when they sleep; It first enters the stage of superficial sleep or what is known as slow wave sleep (SWS), and this stage represents 75% of the total cat sleep cycle, as it lasts between 15-30 minutes, and cats' senses are at this stage awake, and they sleep in different positions. alertness, which allows them to take an appropriate and rapid reaction when they respond to an external stimulus during sleep. Cats spend the last 25% of their sleep cycle in deep sleep or what is known as the rapid eye movement (REM) phase, during which cats experience active movement in the brain and dream Just like humans, it is accompanied by the movement of the tail, claws, and mustaches, and this stage lasts for 5 minutes, then the cats return to the stage of superficial sleep, and continue to move between the two stages until they wake up.

Cat sleep habits

Cats have special sleeping habits, most notably the following: Young and old cats sleep for longer periods than young cats. Cats’ sleeping habits are affected by the weather, for example, cats sleep for a longer time in cold weather, and the severity of cats’ impact on the weather varies according to their different ages, species, health, temperament, and so on. Cats are more likely to fall asleep after putting in a lot of effort. Cats sometimes sleep because of boredom. Cats are most active at dusk and dawn, which means that most of their sleep is during the day. Cats dream about different topics from their lives during sleep, just like humans, but the difference between human dreams and cat dreams is related to the number of colors that cats see; Her dreams are mostly green, blue, and gray only.


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