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Learn about the most expensive 7 types of cats in the world


Learn about the most expensive 7 types of cats in the world

Cats are one of the most preferred pets to be raised indoors, as girls love to play with them, as is the case for some young people and children, especially in European countries and America, and there are many types of cats and their prices between one type and another, and we will now show you the most expensive cat breeds in the world.

1- Ashira cat

This type of cat occupies the first place in terms of its price due to its rarity. It is attractive and very similar to a leopard, as well as its intelligence and loyalty. This cat is found in Africa more than other continents and its prices range from 10 to 70 thousand dollars and may increase sometimes.

2- Savannah cat

They are considered the most intelligent types of cats and are widely spread in North America, where residents prefer to raise and take care of them, as they profit from selling their children when they are born, and their prices range from 1500 to 20 thousand dollars.

3- Bengali cat 

One of the largest cats that are bred indoors, sometimes weighing up to 7 kilograms, very similar to tigers, and spread widely in the forests, and their price reaches 20 thousand dollars.

4- Alirca cats.

It was named after its discoverer, and it gained wide fame in the world of cats, making the average price of up to 5000 dollars. 

5- Peterbald cat

It is distinguished by its beautiful eyes devoid of eyelashes, as well as its smooth, hairless body, and its price ranges between 1200 to 3000 dollars.

6- Russian cat

Many prefer to raise this type of cat, as it is characterized by tenderness and activity while jumping and playing, and its prices range from 300 to 2000 dollars.

7- The pharaonic cat

It is distinguished by its rare colors and hairless body. It is also famous for its love of naughty dogs, but what is wrong with this type of cat is its short life, as it dies quickly if its owner does not care for it.


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