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Persian cat hair loss treatment

 Persian cat hair loss treatment

persian cats

 The Persian cat is a type of Persian cat with long hair, and is characterized by its multiple colors, medium size, and rounded shape, in addition to its somewhat peaceful and calm nature; Which made its presence inside homes acceptable, and it is very popular, and it can be exposed as any type of cat to hair loss, and it remains normal as long as the quantity is small, but if it exceeds the acceptable limit, then it needs treatment, and therefore we will present in this article Causes of hair loss of this type of cats, and methods of treatment.

Causes of Persian cat hair loss

  • Movement between seasons, and the accompanying change in temperature.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth This reason pertains to female cats, as their hair begins to fall out during pregnancy and childbirth, and begins to regenerate again with weaning their young.
  •  Sensitivity to some types of food, and then attention should be paid to the type of food that caused this, and prevent it from it.
  • Infection with some skin diseases such as fungi, and in this case, it is preferable to consult a specialist.
  • Exposure to malnutrition and vitamin deficiency, and this requires attention to the quality of its food, and diversification in the food consumed such as boiled fish, soup, eggs, chicken and others. Infection of the hair with fleas and worms, as they feed on their blood, which affects the growth of their hair, and consequently it falls out a lot, and then it needs a special shampoo for insects; Until it is completely eliminated. 
  • The mating stage, during which time the psychological state of the cat is affected, especially if the mating has not taken place.

Treatment of hair loss for Persian cats 

  • knowing and determining the cause that led to hair loss, and providing the appropriate solution for example, if the reason is the presence of fleas, then the solution to its loss by providing a special shampoo, and if it is not mating, the solution 
  • to provide a cat or cat to complete this process.
  •  Brushing the cat's hair regularly and daily using a special brush, such as the one that detangles and knots; Which works to stimulate blood circulation in it, and accelerate the process of growth.
  • Shaving the hair, which makes it more powerful and beautiful, and the appropriate time must be chosen for this, which is the warm summer, leaving all the hair of the tail, legs, and head, and shaving the rest, so that it grows better again, and the percentage of its loss decreases.
  • The use of castor or olive oil, which contributes to nourishing the hair, and is used by placing three drops of either type in water or shampoo and washing the cat's hair with it, which reduces its fall and gives it a beautiful shine.


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