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Do cats grieve for the loss of their owner?

 Do cats grieve for the loss of their owner?


Do cats grieve for the separation of their owner? We answer you this important question for cat breeders through the lines of this article, as we know that cats by nature tend to pamper them and make them feel joy and this appears in the form of getting close to their owner, sticking to him, jumping on him and other movements.

Do cats grieve for the loss of their owner?

Some people buy or adopt cats from original cat breeders. After the cat moves to the new house, he notices isolation and inability to play. Some wonder whether cats grieve for the separation of their owner, and the answer to this question is proof. Since cats are sensitive living creatures, although some believe that they are a lonely creature. However, she is very attached to her owner, and her grief for her owner appears in several actions. Among the most important of these actions are the following: 

The nature of cats is to eat multiple meals during the day, but when they mourn the loss of their owner, the number of meals they eat during the day decreases.

 It is the nature of cats to run from place to place among the people inside the house and to woo them. However, when she is feeling sad, she often turns away from people and stays in a secluded place without playing.

The cat feels lethargic and tends to sit in one place when she is sad.

 We may find that the sad cat makes many sounds in succession, and it is also possible that it does not make any sound, and that is not usual. 

Cats usually go to the doors of houses when anyone comes to the house looking for their owner, but when they lose their owner, they don't care about anyone coming. 

When cats feel sad, they do not clean their body, although cats are by nature constantly loving to cleanliness.

 When cats get used to a place to urinate, they urinate constantly, but at the time of their grief, they find them urinating anywhere inside the house.

 Sadness makes the cat feel scared, which makes her try to reduce the stress she is feeling by constantly scratching her nails against the furniture.

When does the cat's grief over its owner end?


After we answered the question of the article, do cats grieve for the separation of their owner, we should know when that grief will end.

 After a cat loses its owner, whether someone adopts it or the owner leaves it for any reason, this leads to some cats leaving their home.

As for others, the symptoms mentioned above may appear, as the difference between one cat and another makes us unable to determine the time when the cat will get rid of the state of sadness.

It is in the nature of cats that they adapt quickly to the person who is trying to get close to them.

Therefore, the new breeder must try to get close to her or touch her and feel her body and the area under the neck, so she quickly adapts to it.

Do cats forget their owner?

Through the topic Do cats grieve for the separation of their owner, an answer to the question “Do cats forget their owner” should be known?

 It is possible for a cat to forget its owner, but no one can tell how long it takes to forget its owner. The cat's memory is similar to that of three-year-olds. Cats tend to those who play with them, pamper them, feed them, and put them in their drink. If the cat finds a new owner, attention and care. She often forgets her old owner and cohabits with her new owner, and she may run away from the new home if she doesn't find interest.

This is the biggest evidence that the personality of the new owner and his dealings with it is what determines how long she will forget about her old owner. 



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