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 Siamese cat information

What family does the Siamese cat belong to?

 Siamese cats are one of the most famous and oldest breeds of pet cats in the world. The Siamese cat belongs to the feline family, which includes lions, leopards, tigers, wild and pet cats and other animals.
Siamese cats are famous for their distinctive beautiful appearance. Most Siamese cats have blue eyes, and unique fur colors such as brown, cream, orange, blue, silver, purple, and others.

What is the original home of the Siamese cat?

 Siamese cats originated in Thailand, which was called "Siam" when it began to export these cats to the world in the late nineteenth century, to spread Siamese cats in various countries around the world.

What are the formal characteristics of the Siamese cat?

 the color

 Siamese cats are one of the favorite breeds of many around the world, as they have a distinct and unique set of colors, which are referred to as the points that appear on the face and limbs, and the coat pattern of the Siamese cat is attractive and eye-catching, as the dark fur color (dots) on the face and limbs (ears). feet and tail) is different from the body color, this dark color gradually merges with the light body color.
Among the most common colors are:
Chocolate brown, blue, purple, red, cream, light yellowish brown, cinnamon brown.

the size

 Siamese cats have a graceful, long body, a long neck, a long slender tail, long slender legs, a long pointed head (triangle) topped with large pointed ears, almond eyes in an attractive light blue color, and a short shiny, smooth-touched coat (the fur covering the cat) Siamese cats are considered medium-sized cats that have strong muscles, as the size of females reaches about 3.6 kg, while the size of males ranges between 3.6 - 5.5 kg, as the size of males is slightly larger than the size of females.

What does the Siamese cat feed on?

 Siamese cats, like most cats, love to eat meat, and turkey is one of their favorite types of meat, in addition to other sources of protein such as chicken meat, fish, etc., and Siamese cats need a balanced diet that combines wet food and dry food, and the Siamese cat must be encouraged He should drink adequate and adequate amounts of water to keep his body hydrated.
Some Siamese cats may prefer certain types of human foods, but care must be taken in that, because some human foods are toxic and unsuitable for cats, in addition to the importance and necessity of feeding Siamese cats according to a balanced and regular feeding schedule to avoid the problem of obesity that some cats may suffer from, Siamese cats' long and thin legs are not able to carry excess body weight.
 Many prepared dry and wet cat foods are available in pet stores, and you can also get them online.

What are the most prominent behaviors of the Siamese cat?


The Siamese cat is a loving and friendly social cat, who loves to play and communicate with all people of different ages, including children, in addition to its ability to communicate with other pets such as cats and cat-friendly dog ​​breeds, and Siamese cat breeds are the most appropriate choice for families who have the ability and desire to give Lots of love, attention and interaction, and the Siamese cat loves to stay permanently with its human friends, and often forms a very solid and strong bond with a particular member of the family.

Siamese cats also welcome strangers and visitors at the door of the house, the cat is active and has great energy, and needs a lot of stimulation and games to keep busy all the time, and does not like to be alone for long periods of time, and it is usually recommended to get a pair of Siamese cats to keep them entertained together.

the sound

 Siamese cats are one of the most talkative domestic cats ever, they are talkative and opinionated cats, expressing their opinions, desires and what you think in a loud and rough voice, and characterized by a unique sharp and loud meow, if you want to talk to someone all day, all you have to do is get A Siamese cat, and then you'll have the best gossip friend ever.


 Siamese cats reproduce like other breeds of cats by birth, and when you want to acquire a certain type of cat, it is necessary to understand the process of cat mating and birth, in order to be able to deal with it in these cases. Nine weeks, and the Siamese cat gives birth to a higher number of kittens than other cat breeds, as the number of kittens is about 4-6 kittens, and the duration of labor may reach about 12 hours.

baby care

 24 to 48 hours after birth, the mother breastfeeds her young, as mother's milk contains antibodies that may save the young from diseases, and without it, their immune system will not develop and their bodies will be vulnerable to infection, and in the event that the mother does not breastfeed the young, it is recommended to those who raise the young By giving them a subcutaneous injection of serum from a healthy adult cat that has been vaccinated to boost immunity.


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