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How to make the cat hear speech in 4 steps?

 How to make the cat hear speech in 4 steps?


The step of teaching cats to carry out commands and hear their owner's words is a little difficult, but it is not impossible either. All you need to do is be a little patient and you will find that your cat quickly responded to you and became obedient to your commands.

How do you make the cat hear speech? You can make your cat hear speech by using simple one-word commands that are easy for the cat to memorize like come and go. And you want to repeat it every time you tell her to do it.

In our article today, we will show you how you can train your cat to hear your words and do everything you want from them, and what you should do if you find them not responding to your words, all of this you will learn about with us today so that you can have a comfortable and entertaining life with your cat.

How do you make the cat hear speech?

While dogs may be generally more trainable than cats, this does not mean that it is impossible to teach a cat how to hear your words and do at least one or two things that you wish to do. Cats are social animals that will try to communicate with you through body language and vocalization.

Who among us does not want to have a strong talking link between him and cats, so you will need to create a dialogue between them and have a command word that you can train them to implement in order to implement it, in the following steps we will mention to you how you can train them to do anything.

1- Cats are smart and pay attention to what you say to them, especially if you repeat it more than once in front of them. For example, if you want to give them commands such as come, you will have to say and repeat this word often in front of them and point to them to come to you.

2- After that, you will have to lure her with food or a toy she likes until she comes to you, so you have linked this word that there is food in your hand or a toy that you like, and you will find it comes to you quickly.

3- Once she reaches you, you must be honest with her until she trusts you later, so you have to offer her a reward, whether food or a game, and once you take her, you will have to repeat the word again to see whether she will come to you again or not.

4- With this practice repeated daily, you will find that you have plenty of time to teach her many other different commands.

What are the reasons why a cat does not pay you attention and does not respond to your words?

Each cat has a unique set of personality traits and their behavior is different from one another, which means that they will have some of their own reasons why they don't care about you and don't respond to your words most of the time.

If your cat has listened to you before, but its behavior changed after that and became unresponsive to what you say and does not care about you, then there are some reasons that may be an influencing factor for this, perhaps the most prominent of which are the following: 

Cats often change their behavior due to changes in their environment and home life, this happens when introducing new members to the family or other pets, here they will feel threatened and insecure.

Cats get used to certain levels of routine and it is difficult for them to change it from time to time because this makes them afraid and tense a lot, which will make their attention scattered in more than one place, so it will be difficult for them to take care of you and carry out your orders.

The cat may feel very stressed and does not want to do anything.

Pain, arthritis, urinary tract infections or any other disease can significantly change the behavior of cats and make them alienate anyone who approaches them and therefore do not carry out any orders that come to them from their owner.

The age factor plays a prominent role in this matter. When cats are a little old, you will find that they tend to sleep more and lethargic, so you may find them doing what you tell them the first time and ignoring you the second time.

What do you do if the cat does not respond to your words?

Some tend to yell at cats if you do not respond to their words and punish them, and this is a very wrong and does not bring results in the end. You only need to be a little patient and know that training cats to hear speech is not easy, and if you make the cat afraid of you, she will not hear your words at all. .

I look for reasons why she may not listen. It could be that you are choosing the wrong time to teach her anything. It is better not to choose a time when she is asleep or sleepy or when she is very active and wants to play, and comes to teach her anything.

What sounds are cats attracted to?

If you want to draw the attention of cats to you, there are some sounds that they are very attracted to, such as the sounds of birds, this sound attracts them very much and makes their interest in it so high that most cat owners when they leave the house and leave the cat alone play the sound of birds in the house so that she does not feel afraid and that she is alone at home.


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