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5 symptoms of cat dreepssion


5 symptoms of cat dreepssion

Can cats feel depressed ?

Yes, a cat can become depressed like people, and cats can suffer from health and mental problems, such as depression and anxiety, and some of the possible situations that lead to the appearance of signs of depression in cats are: The loss of a family member. Moving to a new home. Change in physical health.

Introduce cat depression

 Some signs of depression in cats:

change of voice

 The cat may meow more or less than usual, these sounds are usually sad, low-pitched cries, other cats with a normal voice may become quiet, while calm cats can be louder, purring does not always indicate happiness, and an unhappy cat may purr as well As a way to calm herself, too.

body language

Sometimes a cat's body language can indicate her sadness, and there are many eye, ear, fur, and body positions that can indicate this, ears hanging back, tail folded, hair standing on end, and other body signs are all forms of silent communication in a cat. Sad cat.

Aggression or fear

Sad cats tend to act aggressively or fearfully. If you notice changes in behavior that make the cat abnormally fearful or aggressive, it may be sad.

Clinging, hiding, or personality changes

 A sad cat may lose interest in activities that they used to engage in, become withdrawn, and tend to hide. Quieter cats can become clingy or demanding and the fear of strangers that all cats seem to share when they are sad can increase.

 excessive sleep

Cats usually sleep a lot, but sad or depressed cats sleep more. If there is a change in the location of her favorite sleeping place, this may also indicate sadness.

 Decreased time spent caring for themselves

 This can be a sign of unhappiness and ill health. Cats who do not feel well often stop grooming themselves and leave their coats very unkempt.

Refrain from eating or change in appetite

If the cat stops eating or notices a sudden change in appetite, it may be unhappy with something. Sad cats may neglect foods they previously enjoyed and may lose interest in their favorite foods.

 Change in the frequency of urination

A grieving cat may use its own scent to make itself feel better by urinating in inappropriate places. There are many reasons to pee outside the litter box, but stress, depression and sadness top the list.

 Excessive scratching

 If your cat is sad or depressed, she may start scratching things more than usual to relieve stress. Your cat may show some of these signs if she has an underlying health problem. Cats are predators of small creatures.

But it is also prey for larger predators; As prey animals, cats have learned to hide the signs of any physical illness well. Therefore, it is always important for your vet to examine your cat and perform diagnostic tests to rule out any underlying medical problemes.

Do domestic cats get depressed ?

 It is easy to determine if a house cat is depressed; Because we see it a lot, but cats who live outdoors can also suffer from depression, cat depression is a state of mind that is reflected by a general decrease in activity. Your cat stays in one area of ​​the house or may not go out at all. If these signs are observed, a veterinarian should be visited. These same symptoms can indicate a health condition that needs treatment, and your vet can also give advice on how best to deal with feline depression.


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